How to make a halter from a lead rope

There are times when you need a halter immediately. While these lead rope halters are not long term substitutes for the real thing, knowing how to make a serviceable halter from a rope in a pinch can be very valuable.

I always carry a spare halter in my trailer. I haven’t had to use mine for awhile but last fall I did loan it to a friend whose horse broke her halter while tied to a trailer. And we’ve all come across situations where a halter would really help move a horse from point a to point b (at least at our barn, horses are turned out without halters since we believe it’s safer).

The videos below show two different techniques: one uses a rope without a snap; the other uses a conventional lead rope.


  1. AC

    Im glad to see this! Several years back my trainer did this. Ive been trying to figure out how to do it ever since!

    She called it a “Barbie halter” because kids make this for a barbie horse or breyer with a piece of string 🙂

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